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Từ điển Anh - Anh


can (kăn) noun

1. A usually cylindrical metal container.

2. a. An airtight container, usually made of tin-coated iron, in which foods or beverages are preserved. b. The contents of such a container.

3. Slang. A jail or prison.

4. Slang. A toilet or restroom.

5. Slang. The buttocks.

verb, transitive

canned, canning, cans

1. To seal in an airtight container for future use; preserve: canning peaches.

2. Slang. To make a recording of: can the audience's applause for a TV comedy show.

3. Slang. To dismiss from employment or school. See synonyms at dismiss.

4. Slang. To put a stop to; quit: Let's can the chatter.


[Middle English canne, a water container, from Old English.]

canʹner noun