When to seek medical care
Contact your doctor if any of the following situations occur:
* Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea lasts for more than two days.
* The ill person is a child younger than three years of age.
* The abdominal symptoms are associated with a low-grade fever.
* Symptoms begin after recent foreign travel.
* Other family members or friends who ate the same thing are also sick.
* The ill person cannot keep any liquids down.
* The ill person does not improve within two days even though they are drinking large amounts of fluids.
* The ill person has a disease or illness that weakens their immune system (for example, HIV/AIDS, cancer and undergoing chemotherapy, kidney disease).
* The ill person cannot take their normal prescribed medications because of vomiting.
* The ill person has any nervous system symptoms such as slurred speech, muscle weakness, double vision, or difficulty swallowing.
* The ill person is pregnant.