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Từ điển Anh - Việt
danh từ
khiếm khuyết hoặc thiếu sót; lỗi lầm; khuyết điểm
Tôi vẫn thích ông ấy dù ông ấy có những khiếm khuyết
có một chỗ hỏng trong hệ thống điện
(trách nhiệm về một) sai lầm; tội; lỗi
Lỗi tại ai? - Chắc là tại tôi đấy
(địa lý,địa chất) phay, sự đứt đoạn
(điện học) sự rò, sự lạc
(kỹ thuật) sự hỏng, sự hư hỏng
(thể dục,thể thao) sự giao bóng nhầm ô; quả bóng giao nhầm ô (quần vợt)
xem find
chịu trách nhiệm về một sai lầm
trí nhớ của tôi đã nhầm lẫn
hết sức; vô cùng
ngoại động từ
chê trách; chê bai
không ai có thể chê cách diễn xuất của anh ta
Chuyên ngành Anh - Việt
Hoá học
đứt gãy; hư hỏng
Kỹ thuật
thiết sót, khuyết tật; sự hư hỏng, sự cố; sự rò (điện)
Tin học
Toán học
sự sai, sự hỏng
Xây dựng, Kiến trúc
thiết sót, khuyết tật; sự hư hỏng, sự cố; sự rò (điện)
Từ điển Anh - Anh


fault (fôlt) noun

1. a. A character weakness, especially a minor one. b. Something that impairs or detracts from physical perfection; a defect. c. A mistake; an error. d. A minor offense or misdeed.

2. Responsibility for a mistake or an offense; culpability.

3. Geology. A fracture in the continuity of a rock formation caused by a shifting or dislodging of the earth's crust, in which adjacent surfaces are differentially displaced parallel to the plane of fracture. Also called shift.

4. Electronics. A defect in a circuit or wiring caused by imperfect connections, poor insulation, grounding, or shorting.

5. Sports. A bad service, as in tennis.

6. Obsolete. A lack or deficiency.


faulted, faulting, faults


verb, transitive

1. To find error or defect in; criticize or blame.

2. Geology. To produce a fault in; fracture.

verb, intransitive

1. To commit a mistake or an error.

2. Geology. To shift so as to produce a fault.


at fault

1. Deserving of blame; guilty: admitted to being at fault.

2. Confused and puzzled.

find fault

To seek, find, and complain about faults; criticize: found fault with his speech.

to a fault

To an excessive degree: generous to a fault.


[Middle English faulte, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *fallita, feminine past participle of Latin fallere, to deceive, fail.]

Synonyms: fault, failing, weakness, frailty, foible, vice. These nouns denote an imperfection or deficiency of character. A fault is a quality or trait that detracts from moral excellence: "If we had no faults of our own, we would not take so much pleasure in noticing those of others" (La Rochefoucauld). A failing is a minor fault or shortcoming: "An inability to stay quiet . . . is one of the most conspicuous failings of mankind" (Walter Bagehot). Weakness suggests deficiency of moral strength or force of character: "We must touch his weaknesses with a delicate hand. There are some faults so nearly allied to excellence, that we can scarce weed out the fault without eradicating the virtue" (Oliver Goldsmith). The term is related to but stronger than frailty, which implies the likelihood of yielding to temptation: "Our frailties are invincible, our virtues barren" (Robert Louis Stevenson). Even weaker in imputing censure is foible, which refers to a minor defect that is easily overlooked and may even be endearing: "Science is his forte, and omniscience his foible" (Sydney Smith). Vice in this comparison refers to a moral flaw or in a weaker sense to a defect of character: "Lord, Lord, how subject we old men are to this vice of lying!" (Shakespeare). "Obstinacy, Sir, is certainly a great vice" (Edmund Burke). See also synonyms at blame, blemish.

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
fault (n)
  • responsibility, liability, burden, culpability, accountability
  • error, mistake, blunder, slip-up (informal), omission, lapse, oversight, slip
  • defect, flaw, imperfection, blemish, weakness
    antonym: asset
  • fault (v)
    criticize, blame, find fault with, question, censure, condemn
    antonym: praise