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Từ điển Việt - Anh
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Vietgle Tra từ
Từ điển Việt - Anh
danh từ
Soup, broth
water morning-glory soup
tasty soup
a soup-spoon, a table-spoon
pour over the rice
silk warp and cotton weft
the watch-announcing tocsin sound
the watch-ending tomtom beating (announcing the end of the fifth watch and daybreak)
Gambling session, gambling bout
an unlucky gambling session
The seventh Heaven's Stem
prayers (cũng kinh )
an ignorant teacher can say prayers in an intelligent way
động từ
To watch
to watch over dykes for floods
to watch for enemy planes
To till, to cultivate, to grow
an area specializing in rice growing
to grow catch crop, to intercrop
To boil down, to condense
to boil down molasses
to condense a concoction of herbs
boil; boil in low fire