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  • Six Features You'll Love in Office 15 (28/03/2012 11:29:40)

  • Most of the attention on Redmond (*) this year is focused on the upcoming Windows 8 operating system. But, the next generation of Microsoft Office is also currently under development--ostensibly to be launched along side Windows 8 this fall--and Office 15 has the potential to be the real hero among the two. ---(*) Thành phố thuộc tiểu bang Washington, Hoa Kỳ. Đây là nơi Microsoft đặt trụ sở.

    Xem bản gốc từPCWorld
  • Fat in diet linked to sperm count (27/03/2012 10:42:13)

  • The amount and type of fat in men's diets may affect the quality and concentration of sperm in their semen, according to a new small US study whose results need to be corroborated by a larger trial before we can say for sure whether this finding stacks up. But the researchers say in the meantime men already have much to gain by reducing the amount of saturated fat in their diet: we know too much of it is linked to poor health, and now it may also signify poorer fertility.

    Xem bản gốc từmedicalnewstoday
  • 2012 – A Scientific Reality Check (27/03/2012 09:58:22)

  • There apparently is a great deal of interest in celestial bodies, and their locations and trajectories at the end of the calendar year 2012. Now, I for one love a good book or movie as much as the next guy. But the stuff flying around through cyberspace, TV and the movies is not based on science. There is even a fake NASA news release out there… So here is the scientific reality on the celestial happenings in the year 2012.

  • Skin tone linked to fruit and veg consumption (22/03/2012 09:25:27)

  • Most people know eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is good for long term health, but unfortunately, not that many actually consume the recommended daily amount. Now scientists at the University of St Andrews in the UK are hoping to appeal to another motivator: vanity. They report in a study published recently in the American Journal of Public Health, that eating more fruit and vegetables can change skin tone, lending it a healthier glow, within a matter of weeks.

    Xem bản gốc từmedicalnewstoday
  • 18 Secrets guys wish you knew (20/03/2012 13:25:11)

  • Some men prefer to express their feelings through actions rather than words. Your guy may say "I love you" by fixing things around the house, tidying up the yard, or even taking out the trash -- anything that makes your “world” a better place.

    Xem bản gốc từwebmd.com