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Kết quả từ 4 từ điển
Từ điển Anh - Việt
ngoại động từ
chứa đựng, bao hàm, gồm có, bao gồm
rượu uytky chứa một lượng cồn cao
nén lại, dằn lại, kìm lại, kiềm chế
nén mình, dằn lòng
nén giận
chận lại, ngăn lại, cản lại, kìm lại
kìm chân quân địch lại (để đánh chỗ khác)
(toán học) có thể chia hết cho (một số)
Chuyên ngành Anh - Việt
Hoá học
chứa, chứa đựng, bao hàm, bao gồm
Kỹ thuật
chứa, chứa đựng, bao hàm, bao gồm
Tin học
Toán học
chứa, bao hàm
Vật lý
Từ điển Anh - Anh


contain (kən-tānʹ) verb, transitive

contained, containing, contains

1. a. To have within; hold. b. To be capable of holding.

2. To have as component parts; include or comprise: The album contains many memorable songs.

3. a. To hold or keep within limits; restrain: I could hardly contain my curiosity. b. To halt the spread or development of; check: Science sought an effective method of containing the disease.

4. To check the expansion or influence of (a hostile power or ideology) by containment.

5. Mathematics. To be exactly divisible by.


[Middle English conteinen, from Old French contenir, from Latin continēre : com-, com- + tenēre, to hold.]

containʹable adjective

Synonyms: contain, hold, accommodate. These verbs mean to have within or have the capacity for having within. Contain means to have within or have as a part or constituent: This drawer contains all the cutlery we own. The book contains some amusing passages. Polluted water contains contaminants. Hold can be used in that sense but primarily stresses capacity for containing: The pitcher holds two pints but contains only one. Accommodate refers to capacity for holding comfortably: The restaurant accommodates 50 customers. Four hundred inmates were crowded into a prison intended to accommodate 200.

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
contain (v)
  • cover, take in, comprise, encompass, comprehend (formal), hold, have, enclose, surround, include, exclude
  • check, control, restrain, hold back, inhibit, suppress, repress
    antonym: unleash
  • limit, control, keep in check, delimit (formal), restrict, confine