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Từ điển Anh - Việt
tính từ
(thuộc) đàn bà, như đàn bà; yểu điệu dịu dàng (như) đàn bà
(ngôn ngữ học) (thuộc) giống cái
danh từ giống cái
(từ hiếm,nghĩa hiếm) cái, mái
Từ điển Anh - Anh


feminine (fĕmʹə-nĭn) adjective

1. Of or relating to women or girls; female.

2. Characterized by or possessing qualities generally attributed to a woman.

3. Effeminate; womanish.

4. Abbr. fem., f., F. Grammar. Designating or belonging to the gender of words or grammatical forms that refer chiefly to females or to things classified as female.


Abbr. fem., f., F.


1. The feminine gender.

2. A word or form belonging to the feminine gender.


[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin fēminīnus, from fēmina, woman.]

femʹininely adverb

femʹinineness noun

Synonyms: feminine, female, womanly, womanish, effeminate, ladylike. These adjectives mean "of, relating to, characteristic of, or appropriate to women."Feminine as the opposite of masculine often refers to what is considered characteristic of women: feminine intuition. Female, like male, categorizes by gender or sex; the term is not limited in application to human beings: the female population; a female kitten; a female plant. Womanly describes qualities regarded as becoming to a woman: womanly virtue; womanly sympathy. Womanish applies to qualities associated with women and traditionally considered undesirable in men: womanish tears. Effeminate is largely restricted in reference to men and implies lack of manliness or strength: an effeminate walk. Ladylike is applicable to what befits women of good breeding: ladylike manners.

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
feminine (adj)
female, womanly, womanlike, ladylike, girlish
antonym: masculine