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Từ điển Việt - Anh
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Vietgle Tra từ
Từ điển Việt - Anh
động từ.
to float; to overfloat.
Waterfern floats on the surface of the fond.
To rise; to develop.
The wind rises.
Be brought out.
capable (of); be able; to be in a position to
can you do it ?
come to the surface; surface; rise to the surface; float on the surface; emerge; float
with many ups and downs
cũng như nổi cơn - (of feelings) seize, grips, creep (over)
consumed with jealousy
swell, wsell out, appear (of glands, rash, pimples)
relief (attr.), raised, bold
embossed work
outstanding; brilliant, distinguished
an upstart
raise an alarm