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vault (vôlt) noun

1. a. An arched structure, usually of stone, brick, or concrete, forming the supporting structure of a ceiling or roof. b. An arched overhead covering, such as the sky, that resembles the architectural structure in form.

2. A room or space, such as a cellar or storeroom, with arched walls and ceiling, especially when underground.

3. A room or compartment, often built of steel, for the safekeeping of valuables: a bank vault.

4. A burial chamber, especially when underground.

5. Anatomy. An arched part of the body, especially the top part of the skull.

verb, transitive

vaulted, vaulting, vaults

1. To construct or supply with an arched ceiling; cover with a vault.

2. To build or make in the shape of a vault; arch.


[Middle English vaute, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *volvita,, *volta from feminine of volvitus, arched, alteration of Latin volūtus past participle of volvere, to roll.]