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Từ điển Anh - Việt
Cách viết khác : frequence ['fri:kwəns]
như frequence
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Từ điển Anh - Anh


frequency (frēʹkwən-sē) noun

Abbr. freq.

1. The property or condition of occurring at frequent intervals.

2. Mathematics & Physics. The number of times a specified phenomenon occurs within a specified interval, as: a. The number of repetitions of a complete sequence of values of a periodic function per unit variation of an independent variable. b. The number of complete cycles of a periodic process occurring per unit time. c. The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, as of an electric current.

3. Statistics. a. The number of measurements in an interval of a frequency distribution. b. The ratio of the number of times an event occurs in a series of trials of a chance experiment to the number of trials of the experiment performed.


[Latin frequentia, multitude, from frequēns, frequent-, crowded, numerous, frequent.]

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
frequency (n)
incidence, occurrence, regularity, rate, rate of recurrence