BaoNgoc (20/02/2025 08:00:08)
Đọc chơi: There is more good in life than you are actually able to see right now. Keep your hope. Keep the faith. Think positively. Life is actually beautiful.
BaoNgoc (19/02/2025 08:00:29)
Đọc chơi: You become a master of your life when you learn how to control where your attention goes. Value what you give your energy to.
BaoNgoc (19/02/2025 09:41:22)
Boiboi2310 (19/02/2025 09:16:53)
Chán vạn sự đời / Hơi đâu mà quản! / An nhàn rong chơi / Cả đời cho đáng!
BaoNgoc (17/02/2025 08:03:21)
Đọc chơi: Always take some time out to show your gratitude for getting another chance to live this beautiful life. Life is very fragile and short. Make it your best day. Pay attention to the present moment.