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Từ điển Anh - Việt
danh từ
tình trạng hỗn độn, tình trạng lộn xộn, tình trạng bừa bộn; tình trạng bẩn thỉu
tất cả gian phòng ở trong một tình trạng bừa bộn bẩn thỉu
người nhếch nhác, bẩn thỉu
nhóm người ăn chung (trong quân đội); bữa ăn (của các sĩ quan ăn tập thể trong doanh trại, trên tàu...)
đang ăn
đi ăn
như mess hall
phân (của chó, mèo...)
món thịt nhừ; món xúp hổ lốn
động từ
làm rối; làm bẩn; làm hỏng
làm rối tóc ai
ăn chung với ai
ăn chung với nhau
làm việc cẩu thả; làm việc tào lao
cư xử tệ bạc với ai
làm cái gì rối tung lên
can thiệp vào; xía vào
Từ điển Anh - Anh


mess (mĕs) noun

1. A disorderly or dirty accumulation, heap, or jumble: left a mess in the yard.

2. a. A cluttered, untidy, usually dirty condition: The kitchen was in a mess. b. A confused, troubling, or embarrassing condition; a muddle: With divorce and bankruptcy proceedings pending, his personal life was in a mess. c. One that is in such a condition: clothes that were a mess after painting the ceiling; made a mess of their marriage.

3. a. An amount of food, as for a meal, course, or dish: cooked up a mess of fish. b. A serving of soft, semiliquid food: a mess of porridge.

4. a. A group of people, usually soldiers or sailors, who regularly eat meals together. b. Food or a meal served to such a group: took mess with the enlistees. c. A mess hall.


messed, messing, messes


verb, transitive

1. To make disorderly or soiled; clutter or foul: a puppy that still messes the floor.

2. To botch; bungle.

verb, intransitive

1. To cause or make a mess.

2. To use or handle something carelessly; fiddle: messed with the blender until he broke it.

3. To intrude; interfere: messing in the neighbors' affairs.

4. To take a meal in a military mess.

phrasal verb.

mess around Informal

1. To pass time in aimless puttering.

2. To associate casually or playfully: liked to mess around with pals on days off.

mess up

1. Informal. To make a mistake, especially from nervousness or confusion: messed up and dropped the ball.

2. Slang. To beat up; manhandle: got messed up in a brawl.



[Middle English mes, course of a meal, food, group of people eating together, from Old French, from Late Latin missus, from Latin past participle of mittere, to place.]

Đồng nghĩa - Phản nghĩa
mess (n)
  • untidiness, muddle, chaos, confusion, clutter, jumble, disorder, disarray, state (informal), tip, heap, tangle
    antonym: order
  • fix (informal), tight spot, jam (informal), disaster, predicament, plight, bind, hole (informal), tight corner, trouble, scrape (informal), pickle (informal), stew (informal)
  • canteen, refectory, dining room, dining hall, restaurant, mess hall